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- <text id=92TT1310>
- <title>
- June 15, 1992: Read All About Lolita!
- </title>
- <history>
- TIME--The Weekly Newsmagazine--1992
- June 15, 1992 How Sam Walton Got Rich
- </history>
- <article>
- <source>Time Magazine</source>
- <hdr>
- PRESS, Page 62
- Read All About Lolita!
- </hdr><body>
- <p>How the New York tabloids titillated readers by turning a bizarre
- tale into a Fatal Attraction parable of teen prostitution
- </p>
- <p>By WILLIAM A. HENRY III -- Reported by Andrea Sachs/Merrick
- </p>
- <p> The 10-minute ride from Amy Fisher's waterfront Long
- Island home to the academically elite John F. Kennedy High
- School, where she is in her final year, is a montage of Middle
- American normality: flags fluttering over front porches,
- hand-painted signs tacked to trees announcing weekend garage
- sales, white-haired elders watering lawns, teenage boys working
- on cars. But somehow, as Fisher traveled that brief and
- reassuring stretch of terrain day after day, her life took the
- sort of detour that is every parent's nightmare. She is accused
- of becoming a prostitute by age 15, meeting customers through
- an escort service and sustaining contact via a beeper that she
- showed off in the high school girls' room. Far worse, she is
- charged with falling in love with an alleged client, a
- 38-year-old auto-body-shop owner, and shooting his wife in the
- head. Fisher insists she is an innocent 17-year-old who wants
- only to attend her graduation on June 28. Indictment for
- attempted murder and bail of $2 million are barring her way.
- </p>
- <p> If the sad charges against her are true -- and even her
- attorney does not seem to dispute her career as a pubescent
- prostitute -- Fisher's sordid story still would seem to have
- little to reveal about the norms of her community. Her town of
- Merrick is a place where success is equated with discipline,
- exemplified in the manicured lawns and shrubbery of Berkley
- Lane, where she grew up, and with drive and ambition, epitomized
- in the way the high school carries grade-point averages out to
- four decimal places for precision in class rank. This is where
- the American Dream still works, where crime is something
- glimpsed on a newscast, where the next generation prompts hope
- and not despair. Neither neighbors nor teachers nor her perhaps
- more candid peers see the girl's fall from grace as typical. To
- her fellow townspeople, Amy Fisher's life offers no moral
- alert, no cautionary lessons. She is just a postcard from beyond
- the edge.
- </p>
- <p> None of this doubt about larger meaning has deterred the
- press by a nanosecond. The story had elements to push almost
- anyone's emotional buttons. The Oedipal tinge of an affair
- between an adolescent and a man old enough to be her father. The
- Fatal Attraction echoes of a woman who supposedly would stop at
- nothing to possess the man she craved. The perennial conundrum
- of how a daughter from a nice and prosperous family might have
- gone so thoroughly wrong. New York City's three tabloid
- newspapers have covered the "Long Island Lolita" story with a
- thoroughness and imagination that they rarely bring to stories
- about the city's politics or its $29 billion budget. One Daily
- News photographer was staked out full time as close as he could
- get to the house of Fisher's alleged lover. His hope: that the
- victimized wife, home from the hospital, would come out onto the
- deck for a moment of sunshine -- and an unintended photo
- opportunity.
- </p>
- <p> Back at the city desk, headline writers have outdone
- themselves. A story about the unverified claim of a Long Island
- chef that he was recruited by Fisher to commit the murder, only
- to renege once he had been serviced by her, was billed by the
- News as paid me in sex. The rival Post topped that for
- titillation, peddling the same story as amy's horny hit man.
- </p>
- <p> Tabloid TV programs have been bawdier -- and scrappier.
- After A Current Affair ballyhooed upcoming videotape of a call
- girl plying her trade with a bare-bottomed customer, said to be
- Fisher and a john, the competing Hard Copy aired a smidgen of
- the scene half an hour sooner, allegedly swiping it off a
- satellite feed. This prompted a lively melee over journalistic
- ethics in two corners not normally thought to possess many.
- </p>
- <p> The invasion of their middle-class retreat has horrified
- Fisher's neighbors and those of her alleged victim, Mary Jo
- Buttafuoco. The throng of reporters has turned life near both
- houses into a kind of theater. At the Fisher home on a quiet
- dead end and at the Stitch N Sew fabric store owned by Amy's
- parents a few minutes' drive away, doors are shut, blinds are
- drawn, the symbolic drawbridge is up, and the castle is meant
- to seem inviolable. At the Buttafuoco home, the style is
- defiance. A steady stream of traffic, automotive and human,
- proclaims this a happy house where nothing has gone wrong. On
- the door is a wreath entwined with pink ribbon and dotted with
- pink and white flowers. At the high school the official posture
- is no comment, frequently laced with off-the-record worry that
- the headlines will somehow cheapen the whole place. Last week
- a mother snarled at a reporter, "There's more than one student
- in the school. You should have been here last night for the
- honors convocation." Then she slammed her car door and drove
- away.
- </p>
- <p> The irony for Amy Fisher's schoolmates and neighbors, as
- they feel themselves victims of media marauders, is that many
- have surely been avid consumers of the tabloid journalism they
- are now deploring. Then, of course, the subjects of the story
- were safely distant, and embarrassed friends and associates not
- even thought of. In those easier times, this sort of story
- seemed to them juicy. They are learning that the juices in such
- stories are most often squeezed out of other people's lives.
- </p>
- </body></article>
- </text>